Social Justice

Racial hoaxes almost always fall apart but they work for a time because they play hard on the stereotypes, myths, and fears about blacks and Latinos.
Why does there exist a fanaticism against the immigration issue, not outside the halls of Congress but within its very corridors?
Bush's latest immigration measure hits a wall of a different type. A coalition of Big Labor and Big Business forces a Federal court to block the White House's latest crackdown on undocumented workers.
As the race baiting destroyer of the California Republican Party (and Giuliani endorser) Pete Wilson should now know, this is all suicide for the GOP nationally.
Note to all xenophobes: If you are going to wear a shirt demanding everyone in America know English, you probably should learn how to speak the language properly yourself.
At a recent debate, the Democratic contenders were asked if they would "allow sanctuary cities to exist." The problem is the unspoken assumption that everyone knows what a "sanctuary city" is.
If I wanted to live in a place where your race, ethnicity or religion mattered, there were plenty of other countries to choose from.
Maybe we'll wind up counting illegal immigrants as the framers of the Constitution may have intended: as three-fifths of a person.
Neil Cavuto and several of his guests yesterday provided a stark reminder of the unparalleled capacity authoritarians have to live comfortably with complete contradiction.