Symbol for scorpio


Oct 23 - Nov 21The ScorpionWaterPluto

Scorpio is the intense and mysterious powerhouse of the zodiac. Their emotions run deep, and they are fiercely loyal to those they care about. Scorpios have a magnetic aura that draws people in, but they also value their privacy.




Someone may come to you with an unexpected sentiment. They might bring you information that you weren't anticipating -- this revelation could change your plans for the near future. This isn't necessarily a negative bit of news, although it can be. It's just more likely to be surprising news that forces you to adapt your actions to it. Try to be understanding, as it was likely difficult for the other person involved to tell you the truth without being certain of your reaction.

Your Week In Love

Shimmering romance can be yours this week, Scorpio! Although some of the other signs will be suffering major trouble in matters of the heart, you probably won't have the same experience. For you, it may seem like everything you touch turns to gold in the best possible way. This is because on Sunday, Venus in your 11th House of Wishes will make a beautiful link to expansive Jupiter in your relationship sector. You might experience a "dream come true" moment in your love life, regardless of your current relationship status. A major blessing could also come to you from a partner if you're in a relationship.

Your Next 30 Days

You might be entering into a power month, both internally and externally. On October 12, Mars finally moves out of your quiet 12th house and bounds into your sign. It's time to put the pedal to the metal as Mars fills you with a surge of personal energy and motivation unlike anything you've felt in months.

Readying yourself to take on updated personal projects can remind you that sometimes you have to make life happen instead of watching it pass by. You're not waiting for anything this month! In fact, it's "go time" all the time as far as you're concerned. Of course, since Mars is in Scorpio, you can use your energy in a strategic way that others might view as cunning. You, on the other hand, understand that it's simply well-calculated.

A relationship is centered by the Lunar Eclipse on October 28 in your partnership sector. This might be an ending to a connection, either business or personal. Even if it's not, emotions will run almost unavoidably high. You can't avoid it. That's okay, because you're ready for this transition, no matter which way it lands.

Key themes for Scorpio: energy, assertiveness, charisma, ambition, power, partnership, commitment, mystery

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