Joe Biden

Spending $23.6 billion on fortified vehicles that will take years to produce is an admission that you are planning a long-term occupation of a hostile population in Iraq.
A sociological approach to exiting Iraq would build on the existing social contours of the society rather than to try to force it into an imported format.
Imagine if the only thing someone knew about you was what your worst enemies thought of you. That was everyone's perception of Hillary.
Huckabee declares VD Day. McCain campaign sells "exclusive" party kits. Joe Biden compares Bill Richardson to high school running back.
It's just such a basic, elemental principle at play here -- you don't help the right wing out by repeating their talking points, ever. Why was this so hard to grasp?
"Party on, Sam!": The Daily Brownbacker blog announces, "The Senator will tailgate at the Iowa v. Iowa State game" on Saturday. Will he also be participating in the family values of heavy drinking, obscene cheers, and facepainting? We can only dream...
"Logistical problems. Yes, like no working constitution, sectarian bloodbath, and corruption to the highest levels of government. And a sandstorm. Yes ... logistical problems."
Either the polls are lying to me, or you guys are just ignoring the public and conspiring to prove that Democrats have no backbone whatsoever.