There’s 1 Thing You Might Be Tempted To Do In A Job Interview. Don’t.

It will almost certainly turn off your potential future employer. HuffPost’s podcast “Am I Doing It Wrong?” explains why.
On HuffPost’s podcast “Am I Doing It Wrong?,” we turn to Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin, a trusted career coach and psychologist, to find out how to correctly navigate the one question every job interviewer will ask you.
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On HuffPost’s podcast “Am I Doing It Wrong?,” we turn to Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin, a trusted career coach and psychologist, to find out how to correctly navigate the one question every job interviewer will ask you.

No matter how perfect you are for a job, one thing will likely turn a potential employer off during your interview. And it makes sense because no one likes a trash-talker.

You know that seemingly innocuous question an interviewer will inevitably ask: So, why are you leaving your current job? It’s easy to resort to what might be the truth for you — that your boss is a tyrant, the environment is toxic, or you’re feeling underappreciated for your work.

My co-host, Noah Michelson, and I have been tempted to talk shit when we’ve been asked this during interviews. But, as we recently learned, speaking negatively about your current employer doesn’t reflect well on your character.

We’re not telling you to lie, though.

This week, on “Am I Doing It Wrong?,” we turn to Dr. Lisa Orbe-Austin, a trusted career coach and psychologist, to find out how to navigate that question — and what else we should and shouldn’t do during a job interview. Tune in to learn some tips on how we can all be our best selves in high-pressure professional situations like this one.

Listen to this episode by clicking here.

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