HuffPost Personal

"People’s remarks ranged from the hurtful to the dangerous... 'lock her up ― she’s indoctrinating our children,' and 'kill her on national television.'"
“I can’t do anything to remove my name from this decision, and that’s frustrating. All I can do is use more words to set the record straight.”
"As a survivor, I will always support publicly sharing texts to warn other women and/or to show others that they are not alone."
"I felt like an addict who constantly needed a fix. I’d try to limit myself to a few episodes, but denying myself rarely worked."
"If my own teacher had been forced to use the tactics that I was forced to use, I wouldn’t be here writing this."
"I longed to be thin and beautiful, much like the girls who were leaving my church to attend [Gwen Shamblin's Remnant Fellowship]."
"The first time I had to say the word 'penis' out loud in the recording booth, I laughed. I giggled like a teenager in sex ed class."