HuffPost Personal

"When I asked other parents how they handle clothing, most said they steer their boys toward the boys section — even if they want pink or unicorns — to save them humiliation."
"At 25 years old, I found out that my breasts could be a ticking time bomb."
"I loved to solve puzzles ― to encounter a mystery and make sense of it. But suddenly the trauma of it all started to leak out."
"I prided myself on being tough and not complaining — even when I had to crawl on my hands and knees down the stairs to have a family dinner."
"I communicated using Barbie without fully grasping why it was so unthinkable for boys to do so."
"There were a few phrases that came up over and over again. ... Many just floated past me ... but others became lodged under my skin."
"We don't need to be limited in regard to whom we can share intimacy with and how. We are not restricted to one 'soulmate.'”
"I badgered people with my constant messages and posts. I began to see friends and acquaintances as dollar signs instead of human beings."
"Why did it take over 25 trips to the ER and countless near-death experiences to find this help?"
"Friends who had known us love each other deeply for almost a decade expressed their concern... 'Whose idea was it to do this?' one gently prodded."