
On the final day of meditation, for the first time since I entered the cage and touched gloves with my opponent, I felt enraptured by nothingness. And when I stood up I felt the beauty of moving, of the gentle buzz of our collective moving, of my body, of our collective bodies.
October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, a time to recognize the accomplishments of people with Down syndrome and advocate for better resources, services, and research. And so the timing of Jane Brody's lazy and poorly researched piece on "Breakthroughs in Prenatal Screening" was particularly unfortunate.
Pick up some healthy snacks at the store. Stock your fridge, cupboards and office drawers at home and throw a few in your computer bag for travel or office drawers. The next time you feel yourself headed toward hangry, reach for a snack, and feel the positive energy melt it away.
For the transgender individual whose misrepresentative outer appearance is at the root of their personal conflict, it may be clear how the skin is a critical component of establishing self-harmony. However, the role of the dermatologist in their care is yet to be determined.
When I stumble, there are so many virtual hands to catch me. People come together from all parts of my life to shield me, not from sadness or pain, but from ever feeling that I am going through this alone.
The need for Oreos to be indicted of war crimes before we acknowledge we are eating too many of them, and foods like them, says something profoundly disturbing about our culture. How bad is bad enough?
I don't think this was a premeditated attempt to ridicule women that don't wear a size 2, nor was it an attack on men that lack the presence of washboard abs. This is merely an instance where her motive was misrepresented. Maria Kang is not the "real" problem -- self-acceptance is.
Very few of us have perfect self-control, but importantly, many of us are well aware of our limited power to say no. So it's sometimes possible to anticipate times of weakness and devise ways to restrict our own freedom.
Let's cut to the chase. Blueberries, grapes, apples, bananas and grapefruit were significantly associated with lower risk of Type 2 diabetes. Fruit juice consumption was associated with an increased risk.
An athlete isn't just a celebrity. His endorsement carries with it a healthy halo, associating the food and drink he's supporting with fitness and vigor, and creating a confusing mixed message.