
The administration's offshore drilling plan proposes no more than three lease sales over the next five years — the smallest number in the leasing program's history.
The Trump administration’s decision to keep national parks open during a long shutdown resulted in catastrophic damage ― and officials don’t want to make the same mistake twice.
Britain's beloved centuries-old Sycamore Gap Tree, also known as the Robin Hood Tree, was taken down with a chainsaw.
The National Parks Conservation Association says every day of a shutdown could mean national parks collectively losing nearly 1 million visitors.
A holdover from the early 1960s, before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission existed, has created what one advocate calls a “dog-and-pony show.”
A Pennsylvania man has struck out in his attempt to bring a 5-foot-long gator to a Philadelphia Phillies baseball game.
As much ice was lost as between 1960 and 1990, said the Swiss Academy of Sciences, thanks to high summer heat and low snow volumes in winter.
Fifteen years after Sarah Palin popularized "drill, baby, drill," the three-word slogan maintains its appeal despite catastrophic climate change.
You may have heard this argument before, and you'll almost certainly hear it again. But there’s very little to back up the claim.
The former president’s claims shine a clear light on the misinformation now flowing between conservative fossil-fuel aligned groups, right-wing media and GOP lawmakers.