
An Iowa woman wanted to make jewelry from the exotic animal dung, but officials pooh-poohed her plans
After a record-smashing hot summer, Earth's warming somehow got even worse in September.
The ousted House speaker and his GOP allies made a big deal about passing a fossil fuel-friendly energy bill. But they failed to mention one crucial detail.
Two upcoming movies screening at this year’s New York Film Festival feature the climate crisis as their backdrop, producing decidedly mixed results.
Salvatore Del Deo and his family worked out an agreement with federal officials that allows them to live in and maintain the shack for five years.
The couple "knew bear protocol and followed it to a tee," a family member told CBC News.
Etiquette experts share the faux pas to avoid while you're interacting with a dog or cat that's not your own.
"You never know where these adventurous animals might pop up," New Zealand's conservation department said.
The animal, named Sally, returned to her pool after a brief swim around the flooded zoo grounds in New York.
The state's most-watched popularity contest involves residents choosing one of these animals who's been stocking up for winter.