
I hate to break it to Republicans, and to the American Legion, but the military has been training servicemembers on the dangers of right wing extremist groups for years.
Obama or his policies have been equated with socialism. But charges of socialism are tame compared to some of the accusations now being hurled at Obama.
The rhetoric coming from the current governor of Texas is essentially the same as delivered by a man who led his tiny militia to the mountains of West Texas and bought a run-down trailer to establish a Republic of Texas Embassy.
What are the characteristics of Obama's new global leadership and how will it take itself out of the ditches inherited from his successor in post George Bush era?
While the enemy weaves in and out of the tribal areas, living and interacting with the people, we fight the war against Al Qaeda superficially through military airstrikes and covert operations.
A trade route may alleviate concerns for now; but it will take more than a reopened trade route to erase decades of continued manipulation by India and Pakistan over Kashmiri civil society.